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The plough is a tool used in agriculture since ancient times to shake up the soil and prepare it for subsequent working either directly for sowing. The plow in a historical sense is a kind of evolution of pickaxe, once pulled by oxen or directly by the people and today, in developed countries with mechanical tractors. The ploughing serves to incorporate the remains of the previous crop in the soil, cut the presence of weeds and fragment the land in anticipation of next sowing (usually after exposure to adverse weather conditions and subject to further working with other gear). The plow includes three sets of components, all linked to a frame bearing said bure. Bodies of attack. They are arranged at the front of bure and serve to implement the tool to a tractor or animals with holding tow. In the case of ploughs brought coupling device is adapted the attack to three points in the tractor: consists of two pins side, which applies two hydraulic lift arms of the tractor, and a central bracket higher, in which applies the third point. In the case of ploughs towed coupling device consists of a rigid or adjustable coupled with a complex equipped with wheels (“Basket") in turn connected to a tractor through traditional coupling device (typically a pin vertical). In the case of ploughs polivomere (or polielemento) individual elements (ploughs) are coupled in order falsetto (either side lengthwise) on a frame in turn towed or carried by tractor, possibly fitted with wheels. Bodies of adjustment. The ploughs brought monovomere are often devoid of regulatory bodies as these functions are performed by hydraulic lift of the tractor. The towed ploughs have systems screw and pins that allow you to adjust the depth, acting longitudinal body’s workers, and the width, acting on the lateral deviation compared to the line of the coupling device. The modern towed ploughs have a regulatory mechanism consists of a hydraulic jack operated from the tractor, so the adjustment can be tested from the driving seat. In animal drawn ploughs adjustment is applied by acting with the handlebar driving back during ploughing. Organs workers. They are applied to the rear of bure and are composed of devices discissori and ribaltatori. The versoio or ear, a curved blade led by the property on wheels dell'aratro, ended with a steel firm, called vòmere, which cuts the ground horizontally while advancing. A blade vertical, called knife, cut the root balled in the vertical front of the versoio to allow the overthrow. He also function to cut large and deep roots possibly encountered, in some cases, however, the presence of knife may be superfluous if not harmful, and therefore this can be removed. In the compact land is the fundamental presence of the chisel, a steel wedge hard located at the vomere, which is designed to encourage dell'aratro penetration in the soil early in the wake of manufacture? Completing the plough of devices for support for those towed: a mechanical drive ploughs are connected to a cart with two wheels side basculanti, that animal drawn usually based on a small single front wheel. A guide that extends from versoio a retro dell'aratro controls the direction of the half pressing against a side of the furrow just dug. The reaction force is the weight of root balled being reversed and the tenacity of land; land is high in compact and cohesive state, is minimal in the soil loose. The first plow in iron commercial success was the model Rotherham, developed by Joseph Foljambe in Rotherham, England, in 1730. It was particularly resistant and lightweight and based on mathematical studies on versoio James Small, whose project could cut, lift and overturn a strip of land. The main components of this plow had already known in China for thousands of years and are thought to a diffusion of technology to Europe through Germany. The steel ploughs, which were born during the Industrial Revolution, were even more resistant and lighter than iron or wood. The model steel melting was developed by the American blacksmith John Deere around 1830. During the same period the yoke for the attack animal draught was made adjustable so that the front wheel dell'aratro toccasse earth. The previous models had two steel handles with which the operator controlled the position and depth of furrow. The person at times also led the animals shot. Following were the ploughs with wheels, a seat for manovratore and use more ploughshares. The plow simple to contemplates a large number of variants more or less different as appropriate. They include: Plough jumps-strain is the Australian invention of 1870 or so, when several new farms had fields with many strains of trees and rocks difficult to remove. The plow uses a mobile weight to keep the position versoio. When you encounter an object that poses an obstacle to progress, versoio is raised, to prevent breakage dell'aratro, and then is riabbassato. Plough disc: designed in the USA, its design is completely different dall'aratro to vomere and versoio and, despite the name commonly attributed, is not a plow. The plow disc is composed of a frame bearing a series of concave disks of about 60 cm in diameter, with oblique axis relative to the direction of progress. The disks are spinning and crazy: the edge of the disc cuts the ground and the resistance offered by the latter causes the rotation. As a result of the rolling land is sgretolato and shuffled, but the effect of overturning the clods is weak if not absent. The discs penetrate into the ground as a result of their weight (or per share of hydraulic lift) and when you encountered an obstacle (rock afferent, large roots) discs will roll over. The plow disc has a work of disintegration energetic but only on land soft. It is not suitable for processing of land tenacious. It is usually also called Morgano or Smorgano. Plough ripuntatore: includes, in addition all'aratro traditional rear discissore a body whose aim is to pursue a cracking on soles of ploughing, thus preventing the formation of crostone working on the bottom of the furrow typical use of traditional ploughs. Double-Plough is made up of bodies and working double mirror and arranged symmetrically opposed to 180 on the same bure. The two sets of organs work either: when working a series, the other is raised to the surface of the land. The double plow allows rivoltamento right or left, relative to the direction of progress, according to the organs used, to change the direction of rivoltamento making a rotation of 180 ° bodies workers. Plough voltaorecchio: designed for the same features as the previous year, consists of two independent bons with many bodies working double and mirror. Plough polivomere: consists of 2-15 series of working bodies arranged in parallel with progress sfasata position. They allow you to draw as many furrows in a single step. As the number of organs workers, in general, reduces the depth of ploughing. Plough to balance: designed for the same features as the previous year, consists of two ploughs opposed having the disallineate bons in the plan longitudinal vertical solidarity to an axle with two wheels placed in the middle: plow each component works in one direction while the other is necessarily raised, this makes it possible to reverse the sense of working to end furrow without reversal dell'attrezzo but for simple lifting (or lowering) of one of two ploughshares, and therefore makes it suitable for traction funicular double (from two machines tractors placed at both ends of the furrows), a situation typical of the past especially in areas of remediation or, abroad, in large extensions of land.


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