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shear bolt

shear bolt is kind of saftey in machines and agricultural machines . for example the baler fly wheel have a safty system through the shear bolt . when there is extra load happen instade of plunger broken or any other main part . the shear bolt broke before any damage happen the shear bolt must be made off specific material such and specefic dimention . and according to the loads it must be designed accuratly


Under irrigation, these procedures are summarized, where an irrigation using stationary or mobile Spraying is done. The irrigation is mainly used in humid climate areas operated. The water pipes will have to the facilities in the field pumped. Depending on the type, there are: irrigation with fixed, mobile and teilortsfesten Full and complete plants. As it is, more precisely between individual irrigation, irrigation district, or roll Rollzugberegnung finished (self) irrigation differ. The irrigation provides few demands on the surface of the area. Accordingly, it is also uneven terrain and independent irrigation, so that may be burdensome Planierungsarbeiten as well as the construction of dams, ditches or omitted. About the facilities may also be multipurpose irrigation. Thus, irrigation facilities for irrigation and frost protection for the application of fertilizers and pesticides used. The (Multi-) irrigation can be largely automated. Smaller Wasserzuläufe per area and more accurate